Thursday, July 23, 2020

Commenting postitve thoughtful helpful words

were learning about, Learning about strong words that are positive thoughtful helpful to help another person understand your comments make sense and commenting on other kids that are from another school that we're commenting on. I found it easy to, to do the background and color to it I found it really cool to make a strong words cartoon Word. I found it challenging to, write down the words that was around what we're commenting on other peoples blogs. Next time I will, add a bit more words and facts but we had to do it like this Thank you.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Matariki animation

We were learning about...Publishing a Matariki Slide and making it into a google animation and making a movement out of it.
I found it easy to...Make the backgrounds and make them look pretty so I know they will look good for the online thing's.
I found it challenging to ... Do the stars and the moari person To broke the star into 9 stars.
Next time I will...Add more slide's but make sure it will look good for online learning.